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作者:SX      2018-05-29       阅读量:






研究方向:社会心理学 , 文化心理学,积极心理学



曾发表300多篇学术期刊论文,承担国家973重大攻关项目,国家自然科学基金和社会科学基金等科研项目。出版图书《跨文化沟通》、《吾心可鉴??-澎湃的福流》等中英文著作8部。多次获得重要学术奖项,2004年美国社会心理学会最佳论文奖;2006年美国管理学院最佳论文奖; 2007年被美国人格与社会心理学会评为全世界论文引用最多的中青年社会心理学家。2015年中国教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果二等奖,2015、2016年入选爱思唯尔(Elsevier)"中国高被引学者(Most Cited Chinese Researchers)十大心理学家榜单”。







Chai, F., Peng, K., & Yu, F.* (2016). Pricing aesthetics: How cognitive perception affects biddings on artworks. Social Behavior and Personality, 44(4), 541-554.(SSCI, IF=0.37)

Hu, C., Di, C; Eickhoff, S., Zhang, M., Peng, K.,Guo,H., & Jie S. (2016).Distinct and common aspects of physical and psychological self-representation in the brain: A meta-analysis of self-bias in facial and self-referential judgments. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 61, 197-207. (SCI, IF= 8.802).

Spencer-Rodgers, J., Major, B., Forster, D., Peng, K. (2016). The power of affirming group values: Group affirmation buffers the self-esteem of women exposed to blatant sexism., Journal of Self and Identity, 413-431.(SCI, IF=1.70)

Wang, F., Peng, K., Bai, Y., Li, R., Zhu, Y., Sun, P., Sui, J. (2016). The Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex Modulates Dialectical Thinking. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1–9.(SCI, IF=2.56)

Wu, X.H., He, J.*, Ellis, J., Choi, W., Wang, P.F., & Peng, K.P., & (2016). Which is a Better In-Vehicle Information Display? A Comparison of Google Glass and Smartphones. Journal of Display Technology.12 (11), 1364-1371. (SCI, IF=1.93)

Yu, F.*, & Peng, K. (2016). Virtue, Continence, Incontinence and Vice: Making virtue judgments based on the judgment of thinking systems. International Journal of Psychology, 51(S1), 572. (SSCI, IF =1.80)

Yu, F.*, & Peng, K. (2016). Knowledge is money: Financial value and psychological consequences of cultural capital. International Journal of Psychology, 51(S1), 1104. (SSCI, IF =1.80)

Yu, F.*, Peng, T., Peng, K.*, Zheng, X., & Liu, Z. (2016). The semantic network model of creativity: Analysis of online social media data. Creativity Research Journal, 28(3), 268-274. (SSCI, IF=1.619)

Yu, F.*, Peng, T., Peng, K.*, Tang, S., Chen, C. S., Qian, X., Sun, P., Han, T., & Chai, F. (2016). Globalization of values in pronouns use. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47(2), 310-316. (SSCI , IF:1.929)

Zeng, G., Hou, H; & Peng, K. (2016). Effect of Growth Mindset on School Engagement and Psychological Well-Being of Chinese Primary and Middle School Students: The Mediating Role of Resilience. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1873. (SCI, IF=2.843)

Zheng, W., Yang, Q., Peng, K.*, Yu, F. (2016). What’s in the Chinese Babyface? Cultural differences in understanding the babyface. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 819. (SCI, IF=2.843)

Zheng,w*.Fang,p.,Li,D.,&Peng,K.,(2016).Transmission of collective emotion in face-to-face circumstances.International Journal of Psychology,51(S1):558.(SSCI,IF=1.80)

Tong, J., Wang, L.,& Peng, K. (2015). From person-environment misfit to job burnout: theoretical extensions, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(2),169 – 182

Liu, Z., Cheng, M., Peng, K.,& Zhang, D. (2015) Self-construal priming selectively modulates the scope of visual attention. Frontier of Psychology, 30 (6): 1508

Bai, Y., Leib, A., Puri., A., Whitner, D., D., Peng, K. (2015). Gender difference in crowd perception. Frontiers in Psychology, 26, 1300
Palmer, S., Schloss,K., Guo, T.,Wung, V.,& Peng, K. (2015) Symbol effect of color perception in China and US. Journal of Vision. 15, 1312.

Chan, J.,Luo, Y., Yan, J., Liu, C. & Peng, K. (2015). Children’s ages modules the effects of whole and part practice in motor learning, Human Movement Science, 42, 261-272

Kong, M., Qian, X., Peng, K., & Liu, J. (2015). Mr. Right & Superman: Effect of Implicit Followership Theories on Employee's Career Success, Academy of Management Proceeding, 13345

Peng, K.& Zhao, Y. (2015). The folk theory of calling in different cultural contexts. In D. B. Yaden, T. D. McCall, & J. H. Ellens (Eds.), Being Called: Scientific, Secular, and Sacred Perspectives. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.

Liu, G., Chan, J. S., Chen, D. D., Peng, K., Qin, C., & Yan, J. H. (2014)Visuomotor control in continuous response time tasks across different age groups, Perceptual & Motor Skills, 119(1), 169-182.

Sui, J., Sun, Y., Peng, K., & Humphreys, G. W. (2014) The automatic and the expected self: separating self-and familiarity biases effects by manipulating stimulus probability,Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics May 2014, Volume 76, 4, pp 1176-1184
Cai, L., Chan, J. S., Yan, J. H., & Peng, K. (2014)Brain Plasticity and Motor Practice in Cognitive Aging,Frontier in Aging Neuroscience,(6),1-12.

Lu, X., Yao, X., Cochran, C., & Peng, K. (2014). Culture and institutional agency: difference in judgments of economic behavior and organizational responsibilities

Journal of Applied Social Psychology,44(2),77-86.

Rodgers & Peng, (2014). Perceived Ethnic/Cultural Disadvantage for Self-esteem for Asian Americans, International Journal of Psychological studies, 6(2):117-127.

Yang, Q., Peng, K., Zhou, X., Zheng, R.,& Peng, W. (2013). The Monetary Effect of Power: How Perception of Power Affects Monetary Value Judgments in China and US. Annals of Economics and Finance, 14(1), 105-119.

Peng, W. & Peng, K. (2010). Ethnic stereotypes and economic discrepancy: The illusion of differences between Han and Uyghur Chinese. Annals of Economics and Fianance, 11-2, 381-397.

柴方圆, 喻丰, 彭凯平*. (2016). 审美愉悦与加工流畅性, 心理学探新, 36(2), 101-106.

胡传鹏, 王非, 过继成思, 宋梦迪, 隋洁, 彭凯平. (2016). 心理学研究的可重复性问题:从危机到契机. 心理科学进展, 24(9), 1504–1518

刘玉新,王学普,张建卫, 彭凯平 (2016)家庭心理需求及其对家庭幸福的影响——基于1139个家庭的研究证据 北京理工大学学报(社会科学版),(18(5),98-104.

冯雪,彭凯平 (2015) 技能和风格:理性思维的两种测量途径,心理科学进展,23(9): 1550-1559

喻丰, 彭凯平, 郑先隽. (2015). 大数据背景下的中国心理学:心理学的学科体系重构及特征.科学通报, 60(5-6), 520-533.

窦东徽, 彭凯平, 喻丰, 刘肖岑, 侯佳伟, & 张梅. (2015). 经济心理与行为研究的新取向:具身经济学. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), (1), 67-76. (中国人民大学报刊复印资料《理论经济学》月刊2015年第8期全文转载)

胡传鹏, 邸新, 李佳蔚, 隋洁, & 彭凯平. (2015). 神经成像数据的元分析. 心理科学进展, 23(7), 1118-1129.

彭凯平 (2014),“幸福中国”的大数据研究,心理技术与应用,8:3-4.

王碧野, 陆颖之, 张大为, 蔡浏阳, 严进洪, & 彭凯平(2014)记忆巩固影响因素的研究进展,中华医学杂志,94(8):638-639

喻丰, 彭凯平, 窦东徽, 董蕊, & 韩婷婷.(2014). 美德是幸福的前提吗?心理科学, 37 (6): 1518-1523.

柏阳;彭凯平;喻丰 (2014)中国人的内隐辩证自我:基于内隐联想测验(IAT)的测量,心理科学进展,22 (3): 418-421.

彭凯平, & 喻丰 (2012). 道德的心理物理学:现象、机制与意义. 中国社会科学, (12), 28-45.

彭凯平, 喻丰, & 柏阳. (2011). 实验伦理学:研究、挑战与贡献. 中国社会科学, (6), 15-25. (高等学校文科学报文摘2012年第2期转载)

彭凯平, 廖江群. (2010). 文化与归因的过程模式及概率模型探索. 中国社会科学,6,31-40.

刘邦惠, 彭凯平. (2012). 跨文化的实证法学研究:文化心理学的挑战与贡献. 心理学报 2012, 44, 413-426.

喻丰, 彭凯平, 韩婷婷, 柏阳, & 柴方圆. (2012). 伦理美德的社会及人格心理学分析:道德特质的意义、困惑及解析. 清华大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 27, 128-139.

彭凯平, 窦东徽, 刘肖岑. (2011). 幸福科学: 问题、探索、意义及展望. 清华大学学报( 哲学社会科学版), 6, 116-124.

喻丰, 彭凯平. (2013). 从心理学视角看情境主义与美德伦理学之争.华中师范大学学报(社会科学版), 52(1), 169-176.

喻丰, 彭凯平, 董蕊, 柴方圆, 韩婷婷. (2013). 道德人格研究:范式与分歧. In press at 心理科学进展, 12

董蕊, 彭凯平, & 喻丰. (2013). 敬畏的心理学研究. In press at 心理科学进展, 11

刘书青, 汪海玲, 彭凯平, 郑先隽, 刘在佳, 徐胜眉. (2013). 注意的跨文化研究及意义. 心理科学进展, 21, 37–47.

董蕊, 彭凯平, 喻丰, & 郑若乔. (2012). 自由意志:实证心理学的视角. 心理科学进展, 20(11), 1869-1878.

喻丰, 彭凯平, 韩婷婷, 柴方圆, & 柏阳. (2011). 道德困境之困境:情与理的辩争. 心理科学进展, 19, 1702 - 1712.

彭凯平, 刘钰, 曹春梅, 张伟. (2011). 虚拟社会心理学:现实, 探索及意义. 心理科学进展 2011, 19, 933–943.

刘书青, 彭凯平, 方平, 孟亦田, 林卓. (2013). 辩证思维与辩证情绪的因果关系探究. 心理与行为研究, 11(4), 457-463.

刘书青,刘冠民, 郑先隽, 彭凯平. (2012). 从交互产品审美问卷分析中国用户的审美体验. 装饰,78-79.

刘书青, 彭凯平, 刘冠民, 方平, 林卓, 李迪斯 (2012). 辩证情绪: 研究方法及展望. 心理学探新, 2013,33, 7 - 14.










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