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作者:lzy      2013-02-22       阅读量:



高纯清(Karen Gabe) Female, born in 1948 in the USA, graduated from Washburn University in 1970 with a B.A. degree in psychology and education, completed an M.S. degree from the University of Kansas (Special Education of Emotionally Disturbed Children - 1974). Completed a three-year full-time clinical residency training program in individual, marriage and family psychotherapy at the Blanton-Peale Graduate Institute of the Institutes of Religion and Health in New York City in 1982. Worked as a psychotherapist both in private practice as well as a Site Director for the Counseling Center for Human Development (NYC) and for the Riverside Pastoral Counseling Center (NYC).

Relocated to Denver, Colorado (1986) and worked for a large hospital system in the Denver Metro area in several different roles (1986-1995): Director, Adolescent School; Director; Director, Adolescent Behavioral Health (inpatient, outpatient, day treatment programs for adolescents with psychiatric problems, addictions and eating disorders); and Clinical Outcomes Coordinator (medical and behavioral health outcomes). From 1995-2000 served as a District Director of Intervention Services – Special Education for the Jefferson County Public School District (90,000 students). In 2000, relocated to China and has been teaching psychology courses at Nanjing University since 2005.

Karen serves as the supervising teacher for the Peer Counseling program at Nanjing University and has a special interest in the Violent Video Games/Internet addictions among university students. She is a Clinical Member in the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT).

Special Recognitions:Awarded the “My Favorite Teacher” award by the NJU Student Association.Recognized by Nanjing University (2007) as Outstanding Foreign Teacher;Listed in Who’s Who of American Women (1999, 2000) and Who’s Who in American Education (1988,1990);

Received the Management Recognition Award twice from the Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center (1989 and 1991);

Awarded the State of Colorado Kaleidoscope Educator Appreciation Award (1991);Authored Peer Counseling: We Are Together(朋辈咨询: 我们在一起) (Anhui Publishing House) 2010.



耿柳娜,女,博士,教授,心理学专业硕士生导师;中国社会心理学会理事,江苏省社会心理学会秘书长,江苏省心理学会理事,江苏省基础心理学专业委员会副主任委员,美国ASSOCIATION FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE会员,2008年度美国哈佛—燕京访问学者,曾任河北省大学生心理咨询专业委员会副主任;研究兴趣及领域包括人力资源、社会心理学、心理健康与咨询等;在SSCI及CSSCI刊物上发表论文多篇,出版专著两部;开设心理学研究方法、人力资源开发与管理专题、健康心理学、实验心理学等课程。 Email:gengliuna@yahoo.com.cn  


Annette Hillers-Chen was born in Moenchengladbach, Germany, in 1978. She studied psychology at the University of Heidelberg from 1997-2004, including a one-year Fulbright exchange program at the University of Illinois from 2000-2001. She has been working as a lecturer at Nanjing University since 2004, and ¬ starting from 2006 ¬ she simultaneously worked on her Ph.D. degree funded by the German National Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes e.V.) at Heidelberg University, where she graduated in January 2009.

Although she started off from Clinical Psychology (diploma thesis: ‘Patients suffering from Binge Eating Disorder: Subjective Reasons and Predictors for premature termination of treatment’) her Ph.D. thesis already concerned cross-cultural issues (title: ‘High hopes on China’s young elite - Do social expectations influence Chinese students’ mental health?’). Her recent research direction focuses directly on cross-cultural topics, especially acculturation issues of foreigners in China. She is a member of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology.

Her teaching includes introductory courses in psychology, clinical and abnormal psychology, and cross-cultural psychology. Besides her academic work she continues with her musical interests as an oboe player of the Nanjing University Philharmonic Orchestra.


李中权,男,博士。自1999年9月起一直在北京师范大学心理学院就读,2003年6月获得学士学位,2008年6月获得博士学位。目前在南京大学社会学院心理系从事心理测量与统计方面的教学与科研工作。研究领域:心理测量,教育评估,人事测评,情绪与行为决策以及心理学研究方法。开设的主要课程有心理测量、人事测评、高级心理统计、高级心理测量和组织行为学等。在《Personality and Individual Differences》、《心理学报》、《心理科学》和《心理科学进展》等刊物上发表论文多篇,担任《Personality and Individual Differences》等期刊评审专家。曾为银行、通信、保险、医药等行业的多家企业提供人才测评和人力资源管理方面的咨询服务。

Email: zqli@nju.edu.cn 


桑志芹,女,1955年6月出生,教授,应用心理学硕士生导师。 1978年2月毕业于南京大学本科专业,1987年获得南京师范大学思想政治教育本科班毕业证书,2000年至2001年北京师范大学与香港中文大学联办的“心理辅导与治疗博士生班”毕业。现任南京大学心理健康教育与研究中心主任,中国心理学会首批督导师。

接受过培训的有学习“来访者中心”心理辅导与治疗、循环督导、“易术心理剧”和 “螺旋心理剧”、中德催眠治疗连续班、“家庭系统排列”、 NLP简快治疗等方面的经历并长期应用;对心理分析的方法有一定的兴趣;获得劳动与社会保障部心理咨询师师资证书。





肖承丽,女,四川人。自1999年起先后考入华东师范大学心理学系、中国科学院心理研究所,并获学士和博士学位。现为南京大学社会学院心理学副系主任、副教授。开设的主要课程有认知心理学、认知科学的基础与应用、心理学史等。研究兴趣集中在人类空间认知的行为和神经机制、跨文化认知心理学。包括空间想象、空间记忆、空间更新、空间重定向等方面,以及不同文化对人们认知方式的影响。研究论文发表在国际实验心理学一流期刊Cognition和 Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition。


翟学伟:男,1960年11月生于南京,1988年毕业于南开大学社会学系,1991年获法学硕士学位,1998年考入南京大学历史系在职博士,2002年获史学博士学位。 现任南京大学社会学院教授,心理系主任,博士生导师,并兼任中国社会心理学会理事,江苏省社会心理学会理事长,江苏省社会学会理事;《社会理论学报》(香港)、《中国社会心理学评论》、《本土心理学研究》(台湾)、《中国研究》、《社会理论论丛》等学术刊物编委会委员。国家教育部2004年新世纪优秀人才支持计划获得者。目前主要从事中国人的关系网络、家庭与家族、权力与权威、社会流动与信任、价值观、社会与组织心理与行为等方面的研究。代表作有:《中国人的关系原理》(北京大学出版社2011年版)、《人情、面子与权力的再生产》(北京大学出版社2005年版)、《中国人行动的逻辑》(社会科学文献出版社2001年版)、《中国人的脸面观》(台湾桂冠图书公司1995年版)等。在《中国社会科学》、《社会学研究》等学术刊物上发表论文40余篇。给研究生、本科生及国际学生开设的课程有中国社会的微观研究、中国人社会行为分析、学术论文写作、中国人际关系专题等课程。曾在校内外给政府、企业、学生等开设过学术讲座多次,反响热烈。1994年至1996年曾任南京大学辩论队的执行教练和顾问团成员,直接指导南京大学辩论队,获江苏电视台举办的亲亲杯江苏大学生辩论赛、北京电视台举办的长虹杯全国大学生辩论赛、中央电视台举办的国际华语大专辩论赛冠军。






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